Honolulu Real Property Tax Rates
Fiscal year July 1, 2024 to June 30, 2025
Residential Principal residence with home owner's exemption. 0.35% or $3,500 per $1M of net taxable assessed value per year, minus the home owners exemption of $120k or $160k (age 65+).
Residential A Two tiers:
0.4% or $4,000 per $1M of net taxable assessed value per year, up to $1M
1.14% or $11,400 per $1M of net taxable assessed value per year, above to $1M
Hotel and Resort 1.39% or $1,390 per $1M of net taxable assessed value per year
What does this mean for me?
If you own a residential condo, it is your primary residence and you have filed the home exemption form, the property tax rates is 0.35% of the tax assessed value per year or $3,500 per year per $1M, minus the home owners exemption.
However, if your condo is an investment, second home or you do not have a home owner's exemption then it will be classified as a Residential A. The taxes will be tiered as .45%, or $4,000 per $1M per year, up to the first $1M. After that, it will be 11.4% or $11,400 per $1M, after the first $1M.
Lastly, if you have a condotel and rent it out short term it will be classified as Hotel and Resort and the taxes will be $13,900 per $1M per year. If you decide to make your condotel your primary residence (and not rent it out any more) you can file a home owners exemption so that it is taxed at the lower Residential rate. Please note that the exemption must be filed by September 30th in order to take effect in the next tax billing cycle, which will start on July 1 of the following year.
Please see below for frequently asked questions.
Frequently Asked Questions: City & County of Honolulu Home Exemption
Q: Where can I get a Claim for Home Exemption Form?
A: www.RealPropertyHonolulu.com is the website for the City and County of Honolulu's Real Property Assessment Division and has all the forms and the most up to date information on Honolulu property taxes
Q: I purchased my home in January 2025 and submitted the
application in February. When will my home exemption start?
A: The deadline for the home exemption was on September 30, 2024
for the upcoming year beginning on July 1, 2025 and ending on
June 30, 2026. Since the September 30, 2024 deadline has passed,
your exemption will start on the July 1, 2026 tax year.
Q: If I rent my home, will I lose the exemptions that I have?
A: Yes, if you rent the property, you will no longer qualify for the home
exemption. The City Real Property Assessment Division should be
notified within 30 days after the change, but no later than November 1.
Q: I am applying for the home exemption for the first time. Should
I attach a copy of my driver’s license, birth certificate or passport,
to show proof of birth, even though I am less than 65 years old?
A: Yes. Appropriate proof of age is required for all applicants according
to the Home Exemption Claim Form. The proof allows the system to
automatically increase your exemption amount based on your age.
Property owners with an existing home exemption, with their date of
birth on file, do not need to re-apply for the higher exemption amounts.
The exemption amounts will automatically increase depending on the
age of the homeowner.
Q: I already submitted an approved claim for the home exemption
last year. Do I reapply every year?
A: No. The City Claim for Home Exemption Form states that “once
[your] exemption claim is accepted and approved for applied principal
home, no additional home exemption filing is necessary.”
Q: I received an assessment notice and see that I don’t have a
home exemption which I have had in the previous years and I still
live at the address. What do I do?
A: Send copies of your income tax returns (to verify your legal
residence) and utility bills for the time that the exemption was removed
as verification that you were occupying the property. Indicate the
Parcel ID and the reason you are sending in the information, and
provide a contact number to reach you for questions. Please see
www.realpropertyhonolulu.com for more information.
Q: I am turning 65 years old on June 14, 2026. I currently have an
$120,000 home exemption. Will I be eligible for the $160,000 home
exemption for the upcoming tax year beginning on July 1, 2026?
A: Yes. As long as you are 65 or older on or before June 30 preceding
the tax year for which the exemption is claimed, you should be eligible
for the $160,000 home exemption.
Q: My wife and I own two dwellings on Oahu. Can we each file
separately to get a home exemption for both properties?
A: No. The law allows just one (1) home exemption per married couple.
If you live apart and own separate homes, then each of you are entitled
to one-half (˝) the exemption.
Q: I have been living at my residence for years, but I haven’t had a
home exemption throughout those years. Can I get a refund from
the City?
A: No. You should file a home exemption claim as soon as it is
discovered that there is none already in place. The Revised Ordinances
of Honolulu (ROH) do not provide for tax returns for home exemptions
that are not filed.
Q: I’m changing the ownership of my property to my trust. Do I
need to reapply a claim for the home exemption?
A: Yes. For changes in ownership or use of the property, the City
requires that you re-file your exemption. Depending on how your
trust is named, there may be questions as to your qualification for the
exemption. To minimize questions, the City suggests that you send in a
copy of your trust when filing the claim for exemption
Q: My elderly client owns and resides in an apartment within a
co-op. Is there a process by which the owner of a co-op can get a
homeowner’s exemption?
A: Yes. Your client needs to file the home exemption claim,
Form BFS-RP-P-3.
Q: How do I change the mailing address for a real property tax bill
or assessment notice on property I own?
A: You will need to submit a written request containing the following
The parcel ID or TMK number
The site address
The new mailing address
Statement that the address change is for the tax bill or assessment
notice or both
A phone number to contact you for questions
The reason for the change
The Change of Status Request Form may be submitted by mail, or
in person at either of the two real property assessment division’s
locations. Or you may file to change the address for your assessment
notice via online at www.realpropertyhonolulu.com. The Change of
Status link can be found along the right pane of the web page. The
Change of Address for a tax bill request cannot be made online.
Q: When I purchased my home, I took title as a corporation. May I
file a claim for home exemption on behalf of the corporation?
A: No. The Revised Ordinances of Honolulu (ROH) provides that the
principal home exemption “shall not be allowed to any corporation,
co-partnership, or company.” ROH § 8-10.4. One option may be to
transfer title to your individual name and file a claim for exemption.
Please consult with your attorney prior to making any such change.
Q: If I take title in my personal trust instead of my individual
name, can I still qualify for the home exemption?
A: Yes. The ROH provides that “for real property held by a trustee
or other fiduciary, the trustee or the fiduciary shall be entitled to the
exemption where: (i) the settlor of the trust occupies the property as
the settlor’s principal home; or (ii) the settlor of the trust dies and a
beneficiary entitled to live in the home under the terms of the trust
document occupies the property as the beneficiary’s principal home.”
ROH § 8-10.4(a).
Q: My wife and I are purchasing a new condominium unit as our
principal residence and will take title jointly as tenants by the
entirety. I am 60 years old and my wife is 66 years old. Will we be
entitled to the higher $160,000 home exemption?
A: Yes. The ROH provides that “a taxpayer who is 65 years of age
or over on or before June 30th preceding the tax year for which the
exemption is claimed and who qualifies [for the home exemption]
shall be entitled to a home exemption of $160,000.” For the purpose
of this subsection, a husband and wife who own property jointly, by
the entirety, or in common, on which a home exemption … has been
granted shall be entitled to the $160,000 home exemption set forth
above when at least one of the spouses qualifies for the exemption.